I hope that you are all safe, healthy and snuggled in on this beautiful (rainy) Spring day! We have the perfect rainy day activity for all of you today. This activity is perfect for our Elementary FPLS students.

White paper
Construction or card stock paper
Straws/tongue depressors/skewers
Flashlight/small lamp
Dark Marker/Paint
Step 1:
Find your favorite storybook or characters via a Google search or whatever you wish to make as characters in your puppet show.
Step 2:
Draw or trace the outline of your characters onto either darker paper or paper that you have colored a darker color (you will see your puppets better this way!). You are making a simple contour line silhouette. This means that you are only drawing the outline of what you see (think a shadow!). Draw and cut out all of your characters.
Step 3: Attached your characters to the straws/tongue depressors/skewers by taping them to the back of your characters.
Step 4: Using your carboard, cut out one big square from the middle of the board. This square will become your stage.
Step 5: Take white paper and tape it to the inside of your square to create a partition.
Step 6: Turn on the flashlight and or small lamp behind your cardboard display (aim the light at the white paper you taped).
Step 7: Start the show!! :)

As always, have fun and be creative!
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