Welcome to another day of creative fun at Creativity Corner. This project could span to a lot of our FPLS students. We are making homemade Sidewalk Chalk Paint! I chose to work on a paint v.s. chalk project because I assumed most of us do not have plaster of paris laying around our house-I definitely do not! :)

-containers for the paint (I would suggest old cottage cheese jars with lids, empty ketchup bottles or even a muffin tin
-corn starch
-food coloring
-brushes (Check out our Make Your Own Brushes post to https://creativitycorner20.blogspot.com/2020/03/make-your-own-paint-brushes.html)
Step 1:
Clean out and prepare your paint containers.
Step 2:
Mix 1/2 cup of corn starch and 2/3 cup of water together.
Step 3:
Add food coloring until you are pleased with your color.
Step 4:
Repeat the process as many times as you like to create more color options. Keep in mind food coloring can mix just like paint! Yellow + Blue = Green.
Step 5:
Paint away the quarantine blues! :)

As always, have fun and be creative!
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