This activity is a great project for everyone FPLS students and community members. For this project like so many before we are using items that we would have thrown away and made something new from them-upcycling!

1 Base (buckets/pail/cup) something that will hold your project together from the top
Lots of bottle caps
Lots of pop tabs

Step 1:
Using the awl poke holes through the top and bottom of each bottle cap.
Step 2:
Using the awl poke holes through the base of your bucket/etc. and also poke 1 larger hole in the top of the bucket (for hanging).
Step 3:
Loop wire through the top of the bucket and tie off inside the bucket. This is how you will hang your project.
Step 4:
Take small strips of wire and loop it through each bottle cap and connect to another bottle cap or to a pop tab. To secure each element simply twist the wire and trim. Continue this to create the wind chimes 'dangles'.
Step 5:
Find a gentle windy location around your home to hang your wind chime and enjoy it!
As always, have fun and be creative!
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